PKG | POTUS stops in WV to talk one thing: heroin
CHARLESTON, W.Va. - The heroin epidemic has gotten so bad that it has grabbed the attention of the President of the United States. "I was...
PKG | Recovering heroin addict: "They call Martinsburg ‘Little Baltimore'"
MARTINSBURG, W.Va. - Danny Dulyea is not only a former Martinsburg resident, he is a former heroin addict. “Something that is actually...
PKG | Former U.S. government employee pleads guilty to child porn charges
WINCHESTER, Va. - According to investigators with the Frederick County Sheriff's Office (FCSO), after decades of producing child...
PKG | New report shows Berkeley County's heroin overdose rate mirrors Baltimore City
MARTINSBURG, W.Va. - According to a new report released by the Washington-Baltimore High Intensity Drug Rrafficking Area (HIDTA),...